So, Today (as it is still Oct 3 because I haven't slept yet) marks the 1 month anniversary of my blog. If my blog and I were dating we'd be getting to third base about now (I'm terribly old fashioned, the blog is a slut).
Current weight at 9pm this evening was 363 lbs. That is progress my friends. I have lost 15 lbs in 4 weeks and I'm extremely happy about that. I've had some slips (well a major birthday celebration week where I said Cake? Yes please! Cookies?!? Of course! Fried Food ?!?!? Absolutely!!!! Don't judge me). I'm currently on track and feeling great!
So, I've jumped on the weight watchers band wagon. I'm not going to wax poetic about it. I'm on it, it's working for me, I can eat all my favorites and not suffer. And I must say, after being on something as restrictive as Paleo, Weight Watchers is a breeze. I had pancakes this week. Pancakes that didn't taste like licking a coconut shell. They were delicious and fit into my plan quite well thank you. I even lost a pound that day!
They have these handy mobile apps where you can scan a bar-code and it tells you how many points it is. It's awesome. My husband loves to play with it when we go grocery shopping. It's like "Oh, that package of delectable cookies is 12 points? I guess I'm having broccoli and steamed chicken for supper!" And the point is I get to eat the fracking cookies!
So, I guess I waxed a little poetic about it, but what evs. It's my blog, I can do what I want. And maybe I'll get to be on one of those commercials where I'm holding out a pair of my old pants saying "Look how fat I used to be!" I would be an awesome spokes person. I'm adorable.
Moving on...
I need to start exercising, because if I can lose 15 pounds in a month just by watching what I eat, imagine how much I could lose if I were to actually get up off my arse! As I've mentioned before, my husband works for a factory that produces high quality exercise equipment. They have a showroom that has all of their top of the line models to use. For free. The treadmills have fans on them. Fans that blow into your hot sweaty face. And the funny thing is if you start to slow down, the fan stops. And you're like "What the fudging hell? I need that fan!" so you speed back up and the fan comes back on and you're like "Oh thank you Jeabus!" It's pretty nice. I need to start using that. They also have Arc Trainers or as I call them the Anti Christ. They are similar to an elliptical machine but Tim says they're better. And he works for the place so he would know better than me. And because he's my hubby and I care about his money, here's a link to his employer's website They have tons of information about what exactly the Anti Christ is. And why it's so great. Go there. They were one the Biggest Loser okay?
So, to sum things up. I'm back on track, doing great, and eating pancakes and cookies and all things yummy. I'm counting points and having fun scanning random bar-codes in the grocery store. Skinny jeans here I come! (actually I hate skinny jeans and think they are the ugliest things ever, I just thought the sentiment was appropriate)
15 pounds gone and only 135 left to go. If I continue at this rate I'll be at my goal in 10 months (like that will ever happen)...
I'll be able to fit into frilly vintage dresses and ride Harry Potter in no time :)

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